A terrific festival season run continues for The Bag and The Bike, directed by David Haye with music by Marco Valerio Antonini. The short film tells the story of a friendship between...a bag and a bike! This time, The Bag and The Bike was selected for the 2019 Destiny City Film Festival in Tacoma, WA.
Awarded the Silver Award for Best Original Score at the IMDB Independent Short Awards, it ran finalist at the Miami Independent Film Festival, best Student Film category; LA Cinefest 2018, Best Score category; and it's now also nominated for Best Score at the 2018 Watersprite International Film Festival in Cambridge, UK.
The film premiered with music performed live by the Helix Collective at the 2018 LA Live Score Film Festival, and was screened on October 3rd in Madrid at the Amazing Shorts Showcase. Listen to the Score on YouTube